Thursday, September 15, 2011

My kids & their hearts

So I have pretty great kids. I have been blessed with wonderful children. I'm not quite sure what Jason or did to deserve them....but there they are...

Desaray is our organizer. She makes sure all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed. She could clean up our house in 2 hours flat if she didn't have anyone to bother her...and she loves to mother. So much so, that sometimes I have to remind her that she's free to be a kid.

Jackson is our giver. He loves to give (and receive) gifts. I guess that's his love language. He is generally cheerful but can be quick tempered. Don't know where he got that. Ahem (cough-Jason).

Riley is the "sugar baby". She is too sweet really. No one should be that sweet. But with the sweet, she is also a tattle tale. Oh well, can't have it all. Riley is the artist for the lovely picture below. She drew her family in class, and asked her teacher if it was okay to include her new not-legal-yet baby brother. I *love* this.

Weston is my little man. He is full of life and spunk. He has enough energy that we could bottle and sell it....if only! He is smart too--started reading last year in K-4. He will be a great big brother...

I guess my point is, I love my kids so much. They add so much joy to my life, and to the lives of those that they come in contact with. I am extremely grateful that they are excited and ready for another sibling!

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