Sunday, March 23, 2014


Guest Post….thank you for this today Amanda. You cannot know how it helped my heart.

I cried the other day reading your blog about the most recent delay after the physical fiasco. And my immediate thought was "God why is this taking so long, how is this fair?" His reply came immediately and it stilled me. After I left your site I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was meant to be shared with here is what I was told. "These boys NEED the prayer covering that their family is saturating them with at this time. Not in this moment but for their future, in this country. What has been in our past we always bring into our future and they need this prayer"

I was stunned to silence and my tears stopped.

SATURATED is such a strong word but if my kids weren’t with me I’m sure my prayers would be more frequent and intense. Your longing and desperation drives the prayer covering that they are receiving.

Praying isn’t the least we can do, its the most... its what your boys need and God is allowing you to give it to them....they will come saturated by a God who loves them enough to put their pain in others hearts and allow those people to lay that pain at his feet so He can heal it. It’s our plight as Christians and parents…and in that perspective your waiting and longing seems bearable. Maybe it’s not something He will "work out for the good of those that serve him", but more of a "my plans for you are hope and a future".

It stilled my hurt to be reminded how much He loves your children and I thought it might ease yours too. As ever I will be praying for all of you till they are home.

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